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Chris taylor

Your Event Rental Professional, known as @middleclassmann 


Guiding you through the Event Rental Business


Take the Fast lane

The fastest way to the next level is with an experienced coach, and with my guidance, you will get there faster and more efficient than any other way.

Build A Rock Solid Business

Through my coaching you will bulletproof your business for the future and give yourself the financial freedom your hard work deserves. 

Become the next great
Event Rental Entrepreneur

With my experience paired with direct coaching specific to your event rental needs, you will become the next great event rental entrepreneur, which will give you financial freedom and success that can span generations.

My short resume:

Healthy growth from 55k year one to 2m year eight

Multi-Location Event Rental Business Owner

Management of over 30+ full-time employees in multiple locations

Master's & Bachelor's in Education, so I know how to teach you to win.

Weekly Meetings

Each week, we will meet with our Mastermind group to discuss ways to continue sharpening your business.

Relationship Coaching

You are not just another number, my time will be spent building our relationship so you have the confidence to scale.

Make Long-Term Decision

Learn skills and make decisions that benefit the company in the long term and increase profit quickly.


Locked In and Focued

Being accountable to a coach will help you get locked in and focused on reaching the next level of your business.

How much is it and who is this for?

New in the Event Rental Industry

Are you new to the party and event rental industry? This coaching is perfect for you as you will learn the ins and outs of the industry, and many of your questions can be answered so you are not left making mistakes and costing time and money as you start in this industry.

Full-Time in the Event Rental Industry

Are you grossing more than $100k/year and are full-time in the event rental industry? You need to sign up for this coaching to help you continue your run of success and learn how to scale what you are doing in an effective and efficient way.

Limited to 10 spots per group.

Cost is $4999/person for 1-Year Coaching

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Apply Now! 

About Me

I absolutely love people and part of why I started this journey in the event rental business is because I love the response I get from bringing happiness and solutions to people’s lives.

Since 2016, the event rental industry has been my focus, and it has been fruitful and very rewarding. Before this time, I was able to be a full-time youth pastor for several years, own my own computer technician company, and do various real estate dealings that have helped position me in a great place knowledge-wise.

My goal now is to share that with others and help others succeed. Even in my own companies, I want to see my team members be successful in our company or in their own lives, and we push ourselves daily to make that happen.